B A D C is my placing for this great class of Guernsey cows. B uses her combination of dairy strength and udder to get to the top the class today over A. She is a longer cow from nose to tail with more...
I place this fine class of Holstein cows D B A C. I started the class with a handy winner in D, who goes to the top of the class for her overall dairyness and angularity throughout. She is sharper in her...
B D C A is my placing for this class of Brown Swiss cows. With her angularity, style and balance from end to end, B sorts herself to the top of the class. B gets the nod over D because B is a much longer...
As printed in our April 10, 2015 issue... THE NINE-MONTH BLEND OF CLASS III FUTURES FELL nearly 80 cents to $16.43 during a 30-day window dating back to February 27. May's $15.45 represented the low and...
As printed in our March 25, 2015 issue... USDA INCHED DOWN its 2015 All-Milk price forecast to a $17.35 midpoint in March. That was 40 cents lower than one month ago and down $2.85 per hundredweight compared...
As printed in our March 10, 2015 issue... MARGINS FELL to their lowest level since September 2013 as measured by the Milk-Feed-Price Ratio. January's 2.09 netted a $9.18 income-over-feed cost based on...
As printed in our February 25, 2015 issue... CALIFORNIA'S THREE LARGEST CO-OPS submitted a proposal to create a Federal Milk Marketing Order that would supplant the existing state order. Groups have until...
Only 1,631 farms left, but it was still the 22nd yearly decline in a row. "Get out while the getting is good" saw 1,631 U.S. dairies leave the industry in 2014. According to data released earlier this...
During the past decade, milk flow grew by 29.2 billion pounds or 3.4 billion gallons in the United States. That represented a growth rate of 16.5 percent over the previous 10 years, according to USDA data...
As printed in our February 10, 2015 issue... A $17.04 ALL-MILK PRICE FOR 2015 was the latest projection by the University of Wisconsin's Bob Cropp. That would be $6.93 per cwt. lower than 2014. He further...
USDA economists projected nearly a 5,000-pound gain in milk per cow over the next decade in the publication USDA Agricultural Projections to 2024. That would mean the average U.S. cow would be producing...
Milk prices less than last year, but better than 2009. Last year was an extraordinary year for U.S. dairy farmers. A combination of very strong demand for dairy products by the major dairy importing countries,...
As printed in our January 25, 2015 issue... HALF OF ALL U.S. DAIRY PRODUCERS SIGNED UP for 2015 coverage in the new Margin Protection Program (MPP-Dairy). Of the 23,000 who enrolled, 12,000 bought up additional...
by Amanda Smith, Associate Editor "Last year was a great year for dairymen," noted Mark Stephenson, University of Wisconsin-Madison, at the Midwest Forage Association's annual meeting. "Producers saw all-time...
2014 Webinars (Click on the webinar title to see the latest webinar) December 8: Winter strategies to enhance teat health and milk quality 2nd Place, AAEA webinar 2015 presented by Leo Timms, Iowa State...
As printed in our January 10, 2015 issue... 2014 WENT INTO THE MILK-PRICE BOOKS as a record year with the first 11 months each posting watermarks for Class III prices. With an estimated $17.75 December...
As printed in our December 2014 issue... DECEMBER 19 SHOULD BE THE LAST opportunity for producers to sign up for the farm bill's Margin Protection Program for Dairy (MPP-Dairy). Designed to protect milk...
Print or digital, it's the same contest . . . with the same cows . . . and the same judges. The only difference . . . You can view the five classes and enter electronically. For 85 years the Hoard's Dairyman...